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September 1, 2024


Join the 100 Million Thank You Project!

A few years ago I was lying in bed on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, missing my Mom who passed away suddenly in 2010. All I kept thinking was how much I loved her and how thankful I was that she was my Mom. Even from heaven I felt her presence that night and I silently sent her 100 million thank you’s.

Here we are in April, 2020, a decade after losing my Mom. Being home with my husband and son during this worldwide quarantine, we are making an effort to focus on what we are grateful for.

I decided now would be an amazing time to share this idea with the world.  What if we created 100 million thank you cards to send across the globe?

Gratitude is scientifically proven to:

– Boost the immune system

– Lower stress

– Increase happiness

As we offer thanks for the PEOPLE in our lives, we create a ripple effect of love and appreciation for each other and ourselves.

This love has power. It’s healing. It’s positive. It creates flow and ease and kindness. It’s quite possibly the most valuable gift there is for humankind. But are we even using it?

That is a question I hope we will answer YES to!

Instead of focusing on what’s missing in our lives, gratitude let’s us focus on all that we have, all that we are, and all that is good and wonderful in the world.

So let’s begin! Here’s all you need to do:

1. Write a Gratitude Letter or Thank You Card for someone you love or care about. Include something special about the person in your message, such as, “I love how funny you are,” or “Thank you for being my lunch mate at work.”

A handwritten thank you card, letter or note has the immense power to brighten someone’s life, for both the sender and the recipient. If you want to get creative, make a card yourself using your favorite art materials. This is not necessary, however, store bought cards or notes on plain pajper are just as powerful! Include #100MTYProject on the back of your card or note.

2. IMPORTANT! Post a picture on Instagram and/or Facebook using the hashtag #100MTYProject before sending your card. This important step is the icing on the cake because it lets us track how many thank you’s are sent around the world!

3. Mail your letter or card to them, or read it to them on a phone call or video chat. If mailing a letter, you can include one of the info slips on page 2 of this document. If calling, you can share the hashtag with them or direct them to gratitudetobliss.com/events/thankyou in a follow-up email.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for someone else.


5. Download Gratitude To Bliss in the App Store and boost your gratitude daily!


1. Order some blank colored cards, blank shaped cards, or plain blank cards and envelopes to decorate and make your own thank you cards.

2. Make a list of 10 people to send cards to. Make a commitment to send one a day and check off your list. When you get to 10, appreciate yourself for making this milestone happen and get started on your next 10 people!

Share this project far and wide and let’s create a more grateful world!!!! oxoxoxo





ps – thank you to my son Milo (age 6) for coming up with the video idea and for shooting it!!!




September 1, 2024


Lorraine Miller
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