How I Became a Gratitude Writer, Speaker and Coach
It all started with one little journal…
It was 2010. My husband and I had been trying to become parents for five years. We kept meeting disappointment after disappointment with our efforts both to conceive and to adopt.
I was stressed.
I was depressed.
I felt lost and alone.
I was at rock bottom.
In an effort to let go of all this yuckiness and simply feel normal good again, I began seeing an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. During our very first session, she instructed me to keep a gratitude journal. She told me to get a separate journal just for this purpose and to write down five things every day I was grateful for. She said to notice how those things made me feel because it was the feeling, she said, that was important.
She said – and here’s the key – “There can be no feeling of lack when you are grateful.”
She was right.
I listened. Within a month of keeping my gratitude journal, things started to shift. My whole outlook on life was changing. And as a result, really, really good things started happening. I began meeting new people – people who cared about the things I cared about. My husband noticed a difference in my energy and our relationship improved. I found a new career that allowed me to feel fulfilled and creative. I was no longer “stuck” in my circumstances but instead was living my life with gusto.
In May of that same year, my mother died suddenly from internal bleeding and heart failure. She was only 67. Twelve years prior my father died from lung cancer. I was now an orphan. While the tragedy of losing my Mom was immensely shocking and painful and I still miss her terribly, I miraculously was able to stay incredibly strong through it all.
The following year I participated in a 60-day challenge Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) where I did my Health Coach Certification, created to inspire students and graduates to propel our businesses forward. He encouraged us to focus on one thing that helped us most in our own healing journeys.
Prior to becoming a health coach I was working as a corporate art director and freelance graphic designer. When I first began keeping a gratitude journal, I often thought, “I would love to design a gratitude journal for others to use.” With the help of another health coach friend, I realized I the 60-day challenge was the perfect platform to make this happen. I created a project on Facebook and inspired over 100 people to practice gratitude for 60 days and I wrote, designed, and self-published From Gratitude to Bliss: A Journey in Health and Happiness.
Since then the journal has been purchased by thousands of customers all over the world and I like to think it’s making the world a better place. I was honored to receive a Living Now Book Awards Gold medal for “enhancing the quality of our lives, from cooking and fitness to relationships and mature living.”
This success has allowed me to realize my mission:
To inspire millions around the world to find
greater health and happiness by practicing gratitude.
In 2013, I gave birth to a beautiful healthy boy. I enjoy a career that combines my love of art and design with health and wellness, and allows me to have a flexible schedule so I can be with my son as much as I want. A true blessing!
What I’ve learned so far…
- I have everything I need.
- Life is short, so it’s important to feel good every day.
- All of us are meant to be happy. It is our birthright. Only by going inward have I been able to find my own happiness and to live my bliss.
- Practicing gratitude has been the most loving and beautiful way to get to know myself.
- Without gratitude, true healing cannot occur.
- Gratitude is my best friend, always there when I need her, always the answer to my challenges.
- The worst thing you can do it feel sorry for yourself. Instead, find something you are grateful for and spiral up. It’s much more productive.
- My gratitude practice not only got me through a difficult time in my life, it’s made me a better Mom.
- I am grateful.

Lorraine Miller is the founder and creator of, a gratitude resource for those looking to improve their health and happiness by developing a more positive mindset and living a more grateful lifestyle. She is a gratitude writer, speaker and coach and has been focused on natural health for over twenty years.
Lorraine is the author of the award-winning journal, From Gratitude to Bliss: A Journey in Health and Happiness, the award-winning book, the Bliss Cleanse: Your Two-Week Guide to Greater Health and Happiness, and the creator of the 30-day mobile app, From Gratitude to Bliss. Her latest book, Today I Am Grateful: Adventures in Gratitude features gratitude activities for children and tips for parents.
Her work has been featured in Dr Oz The Good Life magazine, NBC’s Daytime Columbus among other publications.
Lorraine holds a BS in Business and Economics from Lehigh University, a BFA in Graphic Design from the School of Visual Arts, a Certificate in Acupressure and Shiatsu from the Acupressure Institute, a Certificate in Foot Reflexology from the New York Open Center and a Certificate in Health Coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has served as a Nutrition Coach Volunteer at You Can Thrive: Breast Cancer Survivorship Center and is a former Co-Leader of Holistic Moms’ Nassau County, North Shore, Long Island Chapter. Lorraine is also a Reiki Master and an Interfaith Minister.
Lorraine lives with her husband and young son on the north shore of Long Island, just outside New York City.
Lorraine inspires groups large and small at conferences, corporate events, wellness retreats, support groups, yoga studios, and schools. Please contact Lorraine by visiting
That’s wonderful Marie! Thank you for sharing your experience with the Gratitude To Bliss App!