Happy 10 Years To The Little Journal That Started It All! 

Ten years ago this month I did something that would change my life forever. I wrote, designed, and published a gratitude journal. 

I had been practicing gratitude for a little over a year and when my health coaching school created a contest to win a conference in Costa Rica, I knew I wanted to enter.  

So one snowy day in March 2011, I got together with one of my best health coach friends and we talked through our ideas for participating in a 60-Day Challenge through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). The goal of the challenge was to create a program or project to help propel our business forward. One hundred lucky students and alumni would be invited to attend a special conference in Costa Rica. 

I had a number of ideas, most of which involved food, recipes, and meal plans, but when Joshua Rosenthal, the Founder of IIN, said we should think about what has helped up the most in our own healing journey, my gratitude practice quickly came to mind. Being a graphic designer with lots of publishing experience, I knew I had wanted to someday create a journal specifically for practicing gratitude. When I shared this idea with my friend, she said, “Do  THAT.” 

She said, “Your face lights up when you talk about it.”  

And so I did.  

My 60-day challenge was to inspire 100 people around the world to discover the healing power of gratitude. 

First, I created a Facebook group where I showed people how to keep a daily gratitude practice, and within one week I had over 100 participants. Soon there were participants from 15  countries in over six continents sharing what they were grateful for! 

Next, I interviewed people who shared their success as a way to inspire more people. 

I then began researching the health benefits of practicing gratitude and created a series of  “Vitamin G” inspiration calls and shared the recordings. 

I also began sharing my story.

Finally, I wrote, designed, and published, From Gratitude to Bliss: A Journey in Health and  Happiness. The original draft included inspiring quotes about gratitude from well-known people. As I looked over the printer’s proofs I realized that I should have written my own quotes. I stayed up until 4 am that night rewriting them, turning them into coaching tips that would guide users to get the most out of their practice. I believe this is what makes this journal so unique and powerful. It is written by a health coach (me). 

After submitting this video entry, I was chosen (along with my friend!) to attend IIN’s 2011  Costa Rica Conference:

At that conference, I met so many amazing health coaches including Annie Wagoner of Core Nourishment who I recently interviewed on Instagram and Lindsey Witmer Collins who is the  App Developer for the Gratitude To Bliss App! 

The following year, From Gratitude to Bliss received a gold award from Living Now Books, “Celebrating the innovation and creativity of newly published books that enhance the quality of our lives.”

I can’t believe this all happened 10 years ago. My life has never been the same and I am so unbelievably grateful.  


✨Gratitude Journal Giveaway!✨

To help us celebrate this milestone we are giving away 50 signed copies of the award-winning journal, From Gratitude To Bliss: A Journey in Health and Happiness and I invite you to enter!

We will randomly select 25 lucky people who will receive two journals, one to keep and one to give to someone you love. To enter for a chance to win, go to this post and follow the rules in the caption.  

If you’re not on Instagram, you can also enter by sharing a Gratitude Moment by emailing it to us. Be sure to include a photo if you wish (optional)!

A Gratitude Moment is as simple as sharing something you are grateful for, or it can be a time that gratitude took you by surprise. A Gratitude Moment can also be a story you share about gratitude and how it helped you overcome a challenge in your life.

Thank you for sharing in the celebration and I can’t wait to see who you’ll tag and what you’ll share. 

Thank you for your continued support as we travel this journey to bliss together for many more years to come! 

Love + gratitude, 





Want to Have a Good Day? Rx: Come Back To Gratitude

How many bad days have you had during the past year?

Be honest. How many times have you felt anxious, worried, stressed, or even afraid and it prevented you from having a good day?

Keeping a positive mindset in today’s world can feel a lot like learning to walk. You have to fall down again and again before you’ve built the strength to stay up.

When I was at a low point in my life over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to have a good day. I knew I wanted to “think positive.” I knew I wanted to spiral up.

Most of all I just wanted to feel good.

Only I didn’t know how. It was the how that always got me tripped up.

One day I found myself legit praying for a tool. Something to help me cope. And just like that, my tool showed up in the form of a gratitude journal. (Only I didn’t know it at the time.)

Writing down 5 things every day I was grateful for, and focusing on the feeling I got when I thought of those things, was my ticket out of the doom and gloom way of life I was caught up in.

In a matter of weeks I was not only feeling good, I was having lots of really good days and was enjoying my life again!

Here we are over 10 years later and my gratitude practice still helps me stay calm and centered on a daily basis. It keeps me focused on what I care about most: family, friends, self-care, being creative and trying new things. What’s cool is that if I start to feel myself going to the dark side, gratitude always brings me home.

Through all the up’s and down’s, one thing stays true: life is precious. The good, the bad, the triumphs and the challenges all add up to one amazing experience we call life.

With a little bit of practice, being able to appreciate it all AND stay positive — no matter what gets thrown your way — is a skill you too can master. And I have just the tool to help you!

One of the things that’s truly brought me joy this year is working on a new version of the Gratitude to Bliss App. It’s been a high priority project for me all year to expand the app to a full year’s worth of inspiration, coaching tips and more to help you get the most out of your own gratitude moments on a daily basis.

Whether you’re new to practicing gratitude or in need of a refresh, the Gratitude To Bliss App will be here soon!

It’s the #1 gratitude app created by a health coach (that’s me!) designed to boost your health and your happiness!

Practicing gratitude using the Gratitude To Bliss App is easy to do and super nourishing—it’s just like taking a vitamin, and is why I like to call my gratitude practice “Vitamin G.”

Here are just some of the proven health benefits “Vitamin G” will give you:

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Balances hormones
  • Lowers stress
  • Improves mood
  • Increases circulation
  • Lowers blood pressure

Health and happiness go hand in hand. When you focus on what’s good in your life, you improve both your HEALTH and your HAPPINESS.

It’s how we turn all those bad days into good ones.

After the year we’ve had, it’s time to move forward with strength, courage, and trust in what’s good. It’s time to realign and come back to gratitude.

Because today IS a good day to have a good day!

Please share this blog with a friend and leave your questions and comments below and stay tuned for the Gratitude To Bliss App launch event by following me on Instagram!

Love, Lorraine




Today Is A Good Day For A Good Day

Me with my favorite chiropractor, Dr. Alan Sherr of Northport Wellness Center, where I go every week for self-care (something I am very grateful for!).

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