Did you know the Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful times for creating a vision of the life you want to have?
On this night — TONIGHT — the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, it is said that the energies align to bring us closer to our true selves.
As the darkness beckons us inward, we begin to hear the whisper of our inner voice. This voice can act as a guiding light, leading us to our deepest desires.
(Note: if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, as I know some of my readers are, then you are celebrating the sun today — the Summer Solstice — the longest day of the year, and can also tap into the energy that helps you align with your truest self.)
Take some time today or tonight to sit quietly, close your eyes, and just breathe and listen.
Breath and listen.
Then ask, NOT “What do I want?” but “How do I want to FEEL in 2018?”
Try to pinpoint one word, such as:
TIP: Having just ONE WORD helps you get super clear, which makes you more powerful to attract that feeling into your life.
Next, think about what might make you feel that way.
Say this affirmation:
“Spirit, guide me to make choices
that will allow me to feel (insert your word here).”
(Remember, ONE WORD.)
Then again, breath and listen.
Breath and listen.
If nothing comes to you, don’t force the answer. Just allow your subconscious mind to marinate on those thoughts. You will discover the answer when you least expect it.
The Winter Solstice is prime time to plant the seeds of your deepest desires. Tweet This!
Breathe. Listen. Dream.
Be grateful for this time you have given yourself today. Inspire others by leaving a comment below.
Sweet dreaming,