What if age was just a feeling?

If you’ve been reading my emails lately, you know that I recently turned 50. But what you did’t know is that I really didn’t want to.

I resisted.

I dreaded the idea of it.

I reluctantly struggled to find a way to celebrate something I wished wasn’t happening. Should I have a party? Should I go away for the weekend? Oh, what should I do????

And I longed for the days when I was, well, younger.

Having a four year old made it very easy for me to hide behind my age.

So whenever the subject of age came up amongst my Mom friends, I would cringe. I would feel awkward. What if people found out how old I really am? What then?

But as the days drew closer, I decided this hiding behind a number thing had to stop.

The fact was, I was about to turn 50 years old.


That was something to celebrate. That was not something to avoid, hide, belittle or resist.

Afterall, practicing gratitude has taught me to appreciate everything so how could I not appreciate the past 50 years of my life?

I decided to embrace 50 and guess what happened? 

Acceptance suddenly set me free.

I decided to throw a really fun party for me and my girlfriends. We ate organic food, chatted up a storm and made necklaces together. And I was the birthday girl! I felt like I was 12 again.

So, what if age really IS just a number?

And what if YOU could decide what that number means to you?

What if …

50 = FREE

43 = SEXY



75 = FUN



94 = WILD

You get the idea.

It’s so not about the number, but rather, the FEELING you want to have, right now, in this moment, despite the calendar.

But don’t let me decide. Give it a try.

Remember, age is just a feeling – and you get to CHOOSE whatever feeling you want.  Tweet This!

How do you want to FEEL today?

Please share in the comments below!


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